Healthwatch Coventry grants programme 2023

Small grants available for voluntary groups for projects to gather experiences of health and care in Coventry
An image of a teenage boy sitting waiting with other children

Help us hear from local people

Small grant funding for local  voluntary and community groups 

Following on from our successful pilot round of grant funding last year we are doing another round.

We want to hear the experiences of health and care or about barriers to accessing health from those in Coventry whose needs and experiences may not be taken into account by services.

What we are looking for

Voluntary and community groups which work with specific groups of Coventry people and can use their community links to talk to people who do not have a strong voice.

Different methods of gathering and recording experiences and views based on what works for those to be reached.

Projects should focus on our target groups in the Coventry population, one of more of the following:

  • Children/young people
  • Men who experience a health or access inequality
  • Ethnic minority communities that experience a health or access inequality.

Inequalities are unfair and avoidable differences in health across the population, and between different groups within society. Health inequalities can result from things like:

  • Poverty/income
  • Learning disability or physical disability
  • Education
  • Gender
  • Ethnicity

Previous grant funded projects

Last year we funded several local voluntary and community groups to carry out pieces of community research to gather experiences of local  NHS services  from the people they work with or have contacts with.

We published three reports.

One piece of work focused on maternity experiences of asylum seekers and refugees and has led to significant multi agency actions to improve maternity care. 


Read more information and see the application form

The deadline for applications is 14 December 2023.

Application form