1. Report -

    We gathered the views of over 700 people about community pharmacy service in Coventry by asking about how they used pharmacy services and what additional things they would also consider using pharmacies for.
  2. Report -

    Very different experiences of GP services and positive about pharmacy services
  3. Report -

    Read about our year, who we talked to, what they said, and what we did to work for better health and social care.
  4. Report -

    We asked family carers and those they care for about their experiences of respite or replacement care provision. We wanted to find out if the service met the needs of those who usually do the caring role and those who are cared for.
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    This report presents the experiences of 47 people and enables the reader to hear their voices, feelings and views about the care they received as part of short term support after a stay in hospital.
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    Read about the work we did and what we achieved in 2020-21