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    Read our latest statement about Prescription Ordering Direct
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    The Government have published a plan to improve access to NHS dentistry.
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    ‘Share for Better Care’, a new campaign launched by Healthwatch and the Care Quality Commission, addresses health inequalities across England.
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    More women are reporting positive interactions with maternity staff, according to findings of a national survey by the Care Quality Commission (CQC). But some areas of experience - either before, during or after birth - remain worse than they were five years ago the regulator said.
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    We have won the annual Healthwatch Impact Award for making a difference for local people.
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    Healthwatch England chief executive reflects on the findings of the King's Fund's latest report on the state of adult social care.
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    The Prescription Ordering Direct service will be closing on Thursday 28 March 2024 at 5pm.
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    The cost of living remains a barrier to health, particularly for people on low incomes, and those requiring dental care.
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    The NHS national booking system for spring Covid-19 vaccination bookings is now open

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    Shortages of life-saving medication, such as antibiotics, epilepsy and cancer drugs care are becoming the 'new normal' according to new research from the Nuffield Trust.
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    People of all ages (children and adults) living in Coventry and Warwickshire will now be able to access urgent mental health support directly via NHS 111, 24/7, 365 days/year.

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    From 1 May 2024 the prescription charge will increase
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    Overall verdict was that people's experiences of NHS mental health services provided in the community are poor
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    The Government has launched a consultation on the NHS Constitution, which sets out your rights as an NHS patient. Read why it's important to have your say.