Coventry NHS services from the point of view of domestic abuse survivors

Read Healthwatch Coventry findings about what it is like to use Coventry health services from women who have fled domestic abuse
A woman sat on a bench with her two young children

Healthwatch Coventry worked with local Charity Valley House to find out what a group of 30 women experienced when using Coventry NHS services. Those who took part were new to the local area and had experienced domestic abuse.

A lot of information was shared about using local GP services with concerns about: appointment booking systems, getting appointments and specific confidentiality needs for this group. Some also experienced delays in registering with a new GP practice, communication problems or admin issues.

Suggestion for improvement included:

"Services to be timelier especially GP services as people will not have to sit in walk in centre and hospital due to not being able to get into GP" 

"I think normally, all GP here, you call in morning for appointment, I’m waiting for half an hour on phone line and then I’ll get through and they will say sorry no appointments".

The group wanted greater understanding of domestic abuse by NHS staff:

"More understanding of domestic abuse as I did not have children identifications to register and my children’s health and GP was delayed"  

Valley House helped women navigate mental health services filing an information gap. 

Positive feedback was also given such as:

“Experience was amazing, initially went to GP for help, first approached by crisis team who visited at home. Staff were compassionate, understanding, staff felt like a safe space."

Read more about this work