1. Report -

    Read our annual report to find out the work we did to improve health and social care in the past 12 months.
  2. News -

    We have published our annual report setting out the work we did to improve health and social care in Coventry in the past 12 months

  3. Blog -

    Stuart Linnell, Chair of Healthwatch Coventry, reflects on political and NHS change and the work of Healthwatch in his latest blog.
  4. Blog -

    Ruth our Chief Officer reflects on moves to better address women's health needs.
  5. Report -

    Our eight principles to guide effective engagement and involvement of patient and the public by NHS and care organisations, so that barriers to involving people can be addressed.
  6. Blog -

    Chair of Healthwatch Coventry, Stuart Linnell, reflects on changes to the NHS and our Good Engagement Charter review to produce new Good Engagement Principles.
  7. News -

    Women eligible for lower HRT prescription costs
  8. News -

    Read about difference we have made over 10 years and watch our new video.
  9. News -

    New NHS plan to tackle the 8am rush for GP appointments and make it easier for patients to get the help they need
  10. News -

    NHS Assembly has published a report "The NHS in England at 75: priorities for the future." This is an independent report, setting out how the NHS has developed, where it is now and priorities for the future.
  11. Report -

    Read about our year's work listening to local people and working to make health and social care better
  12. News -

    Read about the difference Healthwatch Coventry made last year
  13. News -

    Share your views on the plans to create a smoke-free generation
  14. Response -

    Healthwatch Coventry has provided evidence to a review of the POD service
  15. Report -

    Arrival, welcome and navigating - what works for people.
  16. Blog -

    Ruth highlights how our input is making a difference and our updated priorities for Healthwatch Coventry work
  17. News -

    Read our latest statement about Prescription Ordering Direct
  18. Blog -

    Chair of Healthwatch Coventry, Stuart Linnell MBE, shares his thoughts on Coventry as a Marmot city and the health inequalities we are working to change.
  19. News -

    People of all ages (children and adults) living in Coventry and Warwickshire will now be able to access urgent mental health support directly via NHS 111, 24/7, 365 days/year.