1. Report -

    Read about our year, who we talked to, what they said, and what we did to work for better health and social care.
  2. News -

    The Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman is giving more people making complaints a quicker decision on their case.
  3. Advice and Information -

    Find out more information on how to raise a complaint about social care services
  4. News -

    From 1 July the way you make a complaint about primary care services to the comissioner is changing
  5. Report -

    Read about our year's work listening to local people and working to make health and social care better
  6. News -

    Read about the difference Healthwatch Coventry made last year
  7. News -

    New Healthwatch research shows a third of adults lack confidence that they can access timely health care. Read the findings and our calls to action.