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    More than 22 million jabs have been delivered by community pharmacy-led COVID vaccination sites in the past 12 months.
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    Urgent actions announced about the supply of HRT products to address shortages
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    The government has announced plans for the NHS and social care in identifying priority areas
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    Figures reveal one million-plus people missing out on prescription savings
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    The rising cost of living (rising household energy bills, inflation and interest rates) is adversely affecting people’s mental health and wellbeing.
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    With the NHS under extra pressure we need to hear your experiences of care to help services understand what is working and spot issues affecting support for you and your loved ones.
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    Women eligible for lower HRT prescription costs
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    New NHS plan to tackle the 8am rush for GP appointments and make it easier for patients to get the help they need
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    From 1 July the way you make a complaint about primary care services to the comissioner is changing
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    New Healthwatch research shows a third of adults lack confidence that they can access timely health care. Read the findings and our calls to action.
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    Shortages of life-saving medication, such as antibiotics, epilepsy and cancer drugs care are becoming the 'new normal' according to new research from the Nuffield Trust.
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    The King’s Fund and Healthwatch England jointly call for urgent action to address hospital waiting lists and improve patients’ experience of delays to treatment
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    Healthwatch England's research looks at how the backlog of 5.7 million patients is impacting the lives of those waiting.
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    Omicron and emergency care crisis could derail plans to tackle the NHS backlog, warn MPs
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    University Hospital Coventry and Warwickshire has come out with draft priorities for the future for local people to comment on
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    Government sets out plans for 'My Planned Care' a new online route for information for patients waiting for planned surgery.
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    A new 1,600 space staff car park is set to open at University Hospital, Coventry as part of a major infrastructure project that will also further improve the experience of patients and visitors.
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    Findings of Shropshire maternity review finds major issues and makes recommendations for all maternity services
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    University Hospital, Coventry has lifted visiting restrictions on many wards, returning to visitor arrangements that were in place before the pandemic.
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    New survey finds more than half (54%) of patients long-term conditions are not asked for feedback on their care